Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spring Has Sprung

Outside the weather is still chilly.  Winter lingers in the air, but according to the calendar, today is the first day of spring.  It also happened to be voting day in Illinois.  I always find voting days exciting.  Even though today was a primary election, it still represents new beginnings.

I have been on this journey now for seventy-nine days.  I started 2018 saying that this would be a year of big change for me.  I wasn't sure what that change would be, and to be honest, I'm still unsure.  There were a few concrete things I wanted to do.  I wanted to lose weight and improve my health.  I wanted to read more.  I wanted to start being creative again in some form.

To help me lose weight, I started to exercise a lot more by attending Nia classes at least three times a week.  I would even do the routines at home on days I didn't have class.  I went back on Weight Watchers and counted points.  I still have a very long way to go, but I have lost twenty-three pounds so far since January 1.  I feel better and I look better.

I started reading every night before I went to bed.  I joined a book club run by the New York Times and PBS.  I have read five books in three months.  That is definitely a record for me.

I started working with a life coach.  Out of those sessions came this blog.  Writing has given me a creative outlet again and allowed me to reflect on my successes and struggles.  I have been more open to opportunities and aware of others around me going through some big changes as well.  I'm taking baby steps out of my comfort zone.

Over the past three months, I've planted the seeds for change.  Now that the spring is here and the weather eventually starts to warm, its time for those seeds to begin to bloom.

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